MPF Fund Performance
Cumulative Return
Annualized Return
Calendar Year Return
Cumulative Return
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- The return figures are calculated based on the relevant constituent fund prices for the indicated period. Calculations use a NAV (net asset value) to NAV basis, with dividends reinvested (if applicable). All figures are net of charges.
- The performance table above is sorted by the indicated column. When two or more constituent funds have identical values in the sorting column, they are further sorted in alphabetical order by Name of Scheme, then by Name of Constituent Fund.
- Morningstar Rating - The Morningstar Rating for funds, commonly known as the "Star Rating", is a quantitative assessment of a fund's past risk-adjusted performance relative to similar funds. The rating system ranges from one to five stars, with the best performers receiving five stars.
- For guaranteed funds, uncategorized equity funds, uncategorized bond funds, and uncategorized mixed asset funds, the features of constituent funds within the same fund category may not be similar. Direct comparisons of performance between these funds may not be meaningful.
- N/A - Not Applicable. Information is not available for the following scenarios: (1) for constituent funds with a history shorter than the corresponding return period(s), or (2) Year-to-Date (YTD) return and calendar year return for a constituent fund in its year of launch are not provided, (3) cases where the data to produce the information is currently unavailable.
- The following constituent funds are not presented on this website: (1) constituent funds with an investment track record of less than 6 months, and (2) constituent funds available under Employer Sponsored Scheme.